Sunday, March 16, 2008

Trouble with images? TEST

Here is picture from Terrigal - my first time there just recently. A lovely spot, great beach for mostly non-swimmer!

Linking images!

This is a great picture and one of many of this guy's pavement art. It is also amazing to see the images from the other side, and to realise how much goes into getting the perspective right.

Monday, March 3, 2008

It pays to read the INSTRUCTIONS!

It's a good thing others are doing this as well otherwise I'd be skipping and missing things like REGISTERING!. Trying to go too fast and not reading everything. I vow to s l o w down and make sure I'm getting everything.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Not on the list yet but still thinking ...

Back again ... and my blog isn't even up yet. Just thinking about the video and seeing the number of blogs just with Library 2.0 training. How do you ever find the ones you want to visit and how do others know you're out there?

I've been looking at some simply because the name sounds interesting. I suppose you have to promote your blog to your chosen target audience at some stage, or keep it to yourself as a type of journal. I see some have links to others I guess I'll learn more as the weeks progress!

First time

This is my first time blogging so I hope I get the blogging thing right!
I am enjoying the Library 2.0 introduction and have already learnt a lot about things I knew very little about. I am looking forward to learning more and can see that Blogging already has many applications both personally and professionally.

I am in Technical Services at a NSW public library. Mostly found processing orders and cataloguing new resources and not having time to do all the other things that need doing. Occasionally allowed up for desk shifts (and social occasions of course!)

I am adding an image just because I think I can : Okay I couldn't - it took a long time and gave me an error message. I will try again next time when I am back Blogging from Out the Back!